Saturday, December 24, 2011

First Post As a Married Peoples.

Well this is the story of the awesome wedding day. It all started with us arriving at the Temple, on time, to know that Ashley had lost her temple recommend so we could be married. Oh also I forgot all my temple clothes at the apartment, but I knew exactly where they were. So we sit inside the waiting room, waiting and waiting until Jake brings my clothes and then we stand and stand while we try to get Ashley cleared into the temple...high security up in there. So we watch our guests to the sealing as they go right by us... As we finally get in we change and I wait and the wait some more until she is done and Bam we are in the room with a butt-load of people bawling their eyes out because I'm so awesome and Ash looked uber-pretty. Then we are all done and stuff and Peter and I are waiting and waiting for Ashley and Chris to come out. And then we find out what is taking them so long this time, and it's not just their innate femalian beings... Some one got SUPER crampy in the Bridal room and needed juice and crackers to even survive. But then it couldn't end there. Some one else (Who will for the sake of her temple recommend remain nameless) spilled Apple Juice on the carpet that you cannot even use hairspray around to protect the antiqueness.... nice. See now look at that face of comfort coming out of the temple... :)

After we came out we let a few pictures be taken and then I romantically whisked Ashley off to the little waiting-room house thing to give her our first Husband/Wife blessing thing. So tender at a time like that. Then of course we have to take a bajillion photos for keepsakes and stuff while Crampy McCrampPants just smiled away and did a lot better than the first picture. Here are just a few....

 Then it all got better from there, piggy-backing Ashley into the snow to take pictures while almost falling down the hill and freezing. Great morning! After that we headed off to the luncheon to have amazing pasta and Papa Father Case went off and told hilarious stories about Ashley and David's nose. Other than that we had a kick-butt reception and have amazingly good cake. And that is all I am writing for the first post. You will want to read the next one, Believe me!